Dear Consumers and Designers. I hate square toe shoes.  I hate them like any die hard Red Sox fan hates the Yankees.  I hate them like any good republican hates Obama’s healthcare ‘reform.’   They are a pandemic. Technically, square toe shoes date back a few hundred years, which is usually something I like.  Regardless, the current manifestations are abominations.  They are...

It was like the first time I got drunk.  I couldn't quite describe the feeling but I knew I liked it. It was different.  It was refreshing.  It was liberating.  It was a state of mind, like being on Nantucket.  It was something I need to do and will do again.  If only I could experience this feeling every...

When I decided to tag this blog with the line ‘of matters concerning men’s dress, fashion and style’ I had a specific definition of what the three words ‘dress, fashion and style’ meant.  I think that in order to properly understand what this blog is about and what it stands for one must know what the intended meaning of...

Every action causes a reaction. I have yet to go through a day of my post collegiate life in which I see more men well dressed than poorly dressed.  I know this issue is not contained to just New York City.  I have spent enough time in Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles to obtain a reasonable picture of...